Strengthen your core for a solid race day performance

May 17, 2011

A strong core is a necessity if you plan to effectively train your body for the annual Bellin Run 10K.

Bellin Health running specialist, Nate Vandervest, explains the importance of focusing on your core as you train for the Saturday, June 11 Bellin Run:

When it comes to running, walking or athletics in general, a strong core is a must. Most people I encounter wrongly assume that the core refers to our abs or six-pack region. Those muscles are merely part of the equation.

Your core consists of the abdomen, hips, pelvis, glutes and upper and lower back muscles. Strengthening your core helps stabilize your body.

Think of your core muscles as the foundation to your house. If the foundation is strong, you will have a sturdy structure that can stand the test of time. If the foundation is weak, the rest of the house will likely collapse when stressed.  

Many running and walking injuries can be directly attributed to a weak core.

Try these exercises to solidify your core and enhance your overall Bellin Run experience:

•    Front plank: Lie flat on your stomach. Position your elbows close to your sides with your palms down. Lift your body off the ground. Focus on drawing your core in and doing a slight pelvic tilt to put the spine into neutral. Tighten your abdominals and glutes as much as possible. Slowly lower yourself back to your starting position. Repeat.
•    Side plank: Lie on your side. Lift your hips off the ground. Focus on drawing your core in and doing a slight pelvic tilt to put the spine into neutral. Tighten your abdominals and glutes as much as possible. Slowly lower yourself back to your starting position. Repeat.
•    Superman: Lying flat on the floor with your arms and legs extended, draw core muscles in then lift both arms and legs off of the ground, in an attempt to form a “U” shape with your body. Hold for a few seconds and slowly lower yourself back to your starting position. Repeat.
•    Hip extensions: Lying on your back with legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Draw core muscles in, pelvic tilt and lift your butt off of the floor. Slowly lower yourself back to your starting position. Repeat.

Other exercises include: Glute bridges; straight leg raises; clams; scapular push-ups; and leg slides.

Contact Bellin Health XL Athletic Performance, the official training site for the Bellin Run, at (920) 430-4722 for more information.