There’s Still Time to Train for the 2012 Bellin Run

April 25, 2012

So it’s already a month into the 2012 Bellin Run training guide calendar and you haven’t begun your training yet. Don’t worry. There is still time to get on track and in shape to complete the 10K race on June 9.

Bellin Health running specialist Nate Vandervest has a few suggestions for participants experiencing a late start in their training efforts.

“To anyone that hasn’t started training yet, there is still plenty of time,” he said. “The important first step is getting off the couch and out the door.

“The Bellin Run’s 10 K distance is attainable for runners or walkers of any skill level. However, some training is advisable to fully enjoy a positive experience on race day.”

Vandervest recommends the Bellin Run Training Guide as a reference tool.

“You obviously can’t go back in time to begin training on March 25 as the guide advises, so reference the daily training calendar and try to do half or three quarters of the recommended workouts,” he said. “As you progress, add a little bit more until you are caught up.”

With the shortened window to train, you might be tempted to cut out warm-up or cool down exercises. Both are equally important in keeping you healthy and injury free on race-day, Vandervest cautions.

“A warm-up, like stretching, consists of controlled leg and arm swings that gently take you to the limits of your range of motion,” Vandervest said. “Warming up puts your joints and muscles through a full range of motion. Warm-ups get your body better prepared for the rigors of training for a road race or walk event.

“After warm-up, start your training run or walk. If you can’t run the whole time, walk. It is fine to mix in walking while you run.” For example if it’s recommended to run 20 minutes, run 2 minutes and walk 1 minute. Keep this up until you have reached the full 20 minutes. As you progress try and add more running into the mix.

When you get back from your training run or walk, make sure you perform a cool-down routine.

“Cool-down exercises encourage healing and repair in your body,” Vandervest said. “They typically involve a slow 5-10 minute jog, walk or simple stretches.”

Remember, it’s not too late to begin training, and if you need help along the way, call any of our running professionals at Bellin Health Fitness & Athletic Performance. We can be reached at (920) 430-4722.