Warm-up and cool-down when on training runs

May 16, 2011

You’ve laced up the running shoes and are ready to sprint out the door for your training run. Sounds like a perfect start to the day, right? Almost. What about your warm-up session?

Bellin Health running specialist, Nate Vandervest, offers tips for training warm-ups and cool-downs:

A proper warm-up is essential for preventing injury and for ensuring you experience a quality workout. We recommend performing a dynamic warm-up before you start running or walking.

A warm-up like dynamic stretching consists of controlled leg and arm swings that gently take you to the limits of your range of motion. The dynamic warm-up puts your joints and muscles through a full range of motion. Warm-ups get your body better prepared for the rigors of training for a road race or walk event.

After your warm-up, start your training run or walk. When you get back, make sure you perform a cool-down routine.

The cool-down encourages healing and repair in your body. Cooling down typically involves a slow 5-10 minute jog, walk or simple static stretches.

Try to include warm-ups and cool-downs into your Bellin Run training plans. You’ll reap the benefits on race day.

Contact Bellin Health XL Athletic Performance, the official training site for the Bellin Run, at (920) 430-4722 for more information.